Monday, 2 February 2009

corsets and fishnets...

i will let the events of the weekend be represented with this cluster of three dots. there, inevitably, had to be an evening of dramatic events. it is not to be discussed. simply acknowledged as a link to the next memory of grand proportions.   --the burlesque party :)


here, at middlesex university, there are lovely planned events for the students in the student union bar. some are more populated in attendance. the burlesque party was the place to be on tuesday night. half of the fun was dressing up of course. it felt a twisted version of your high school prom; you spent half of the day planning your outfit, hair and makeup. true to my prom analogy, everyone met in my "house". curling irons, bobby pins, brushes and hairspray were spread across my desk, my very own hair salon station. a burlesque party called for big hair and dramatic makeup. my mom would have been so proud of my finished work. i clearly inherited her beautician skills. 

midway through our girly preparation period, the boys entered. surprisingly, they had some preparation of their own to accomplish. red and black hair dye, suspenders (or as they call them "braces") and so on. most importantly, ollie needed his hair cut. i did quite a good job, if i do say so myself. by 8 o'clock it was time to start taking pictures before the festivities of the night melted away our makeup and flattened our hair. we headed off to the SU.

the night was a blast!  all the girls looked lovely, and i'm sure the boys didn't mind seeing all of them in frilly little outfits and corsets. despite the aching we felt in our high heel shoes, we danced around the dimly lit dance floor until that moment when the dj stops and the room suddenly reveals its true colors in the light. drinks spilled across the floor and sweat revealed across your face. a bittersweet ending to a fantastic night. finally loosening the ribbon to our corsets, we were able to breathe and fall asleep. 

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