Monday, 2 February 2009

"i don't watch tv, i read"

it was on a rainy wednesday afternoon that i visited walker primary school. 
one of my courses that i'm taking here at the university is writing and publishing for children's literature. 
while i'm sure i want to teach literature, writing it wouldn't be half bad either. i love exploring different avenues of thought and experiment. you can never learn enough.  
as planned, our entire class met at the southgate tube station and took a bus to the school that resembled a large cottage. 

as we walked inside, i noted all the children's work hanging on the wall. creative works of art and such. all of their winter coats hung in a straight line. the walls were busy with things to look at. as we headed toward the classroom, we looked through the clear glass into the small gymnasium where a bunch of young students stood laughing in their red sweater uniforms, playing with big red balls. they ran across the floor, a clear expression oft heir abundant energy. 

we entered into the classroom. clusters of 5 or 6 children at each desk. each person in my class was assigned to talk to 3 students. tori, pierre and mahmud. it was quite the diverse group i had. my job in our little interview was to get them to talk about what they liked to read and why. i was blown away with their intelligence. pierre was obviously the nerdiest little boy. at one point he told me, "i don't watch tv, i read." i was impressed that a ten year old little boy appreciated literature in a way that an adult would. mahmud was focused on telling me about beast wars, a series similar to transformers it seemed. and little tori, she was such a contrast to the boys. she liked reading about animals and nature. all of them told me about their favorite plot lines and favorite characters. what bright kids. 

we will return to the school at the end of the semester with the stories that we have written, taking all of their opinions into account. i can't wait. i could see myself working there. 


when i came back from my trip to the school, i was ready to relax. selina, marianne and i headed to the cinema in wood green. we decided to see slumdog millionaire. the cinematography of this film was amazing. it brought me to tears. i recommend it. it was a film that put things in perspective. there is more important decisions in life than "mercedes or BMW?", "blue cardigan or black cardigan?". there are people with difficult struggles all around the world. wake up!

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